Helping you on your journey to 100% clean energy.

Taking you closer to net zero

We’re committed to supplying your business with 100% clean, UK-generated energy.

However, it’s not financially viable to supply wind, solar and hydro energy directly to any business, every half hour, 24/7.

To get close to this goal we source our energy from a large portfolio of clean energy technologies so even at night when there’s no sun we supply your business with other forms of clean energy.

We can also tailor your supply to minimise the carbon content of your energy. Helping your company be part of the vital, global transition to 100% clean energy.

Squeaky is the smartest, most efficient way for your business to buy, sell and use clean UK-generated energy.

We’re all on a journey to a cleaner future. Let’s get there together.

Be a leader in the UK’s energy transition

As part of the transition to net zero, the UK has committed to all its electricity coming from clean energy sources by 2035. This will cut carbon emissions by 78%.

Right now, just 40.3% of the UK’s electricity comes from renewable sources. We are a long way from hitting our targets.

With Squeaky, you can lead the way.

Go beyond Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) to 100% clean additional energy by contracting directly with new-to-earth generators.

And ensure that your energy supply chain can withstand full scrutiny – without compromising your ability to meet tough commercial objectives.

Bringing down the cost of clean energy

Clean energy can cost a lot less than fossil fuel energy, but this depends on the market conditions and terms of the transaction at the time.

The cost of clean energy for new projects is driven more by the levelized cost of energy than the wholesale market which is extremely volatile.

In fact, you can avoid this volatility in the energy market by choosing to secure supply of clean energy via a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (CPPA).

The Squeaky team pioneered CPPAs in 2008.

And now our Consortia CPPAs are enabling many more organisations to take advantage of clean power.